Sunday, August 28, 2011


I finally have time to catch up on my blog, the advantages of a Hurricane I suppose. To start I'm Fine. I had rain and wind, but not enough to do any real damage. I had power all night and the only things I saw blowing around were leaves. But with the MTA down I can't go anywhere even if I want to. I just found out that there isn't school tomorrow. But that's not really what this post is about. Its about all my crazy fun adventures.

Starting with Michelle and I on our Brooklyn escapade. We had such a fun day. We stopped by Wall Street, on our way to the Ikea ferry. The Brooklyn Ikea runs a free ferry from Manhattan to Brooklyn on the weekends. After a short ride and a good look at the Statue of Liberty, we had reached Brooklyn. We caught a bus to Michelle's favorite bakery "Baked", and I now know why they were voted best brownie in the US last year. My Grasshopper brownie was delicious! Once we had sufiently stuffed ourselves with brownies, pound cake, and hot chocolate with homemade marshmallows. We headed back to the city.

Michelle and I on our adventure. :) 

I love this shot. The old yellow taxis are so cool.

New York Stock Exchange

Wall Street was full
 of men in suits and
 people taking pictures.
 It's an old part of town,
 the architecture is
At the ferry.

Sally Lunn Rolls
Viennoiserie, or sweet breads...Amazing! My friend
Liz and I were finally partners. But nothing in the kitchen ever gose as planed.
 Liz and the team acrossed

Our first breaded bread
from me all got sick. So I was by myself in the back corner. It turned out to be one of the best things for me. I learned SO much, because I had to do everything myself. It also meant I was bringing home double the bread...Not so great. Everyone told me that you gain weight in Viennoiserie. When you make Croissants that are that good, how could you not.

They made a great dinner

Which isn't complete without pasta. ;P

Chocolate Croissants


My first Cake

Angel Food Cake

Ruche/ Beehive
I love to use the torch, and the bees are so cute. <3

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Puff Pastry...A Little Piece of Heaven On Earth

 So many things have happened since I wrote last. I survived my first two tests. Ya! Tarts and Pâte á Choux (Cream Puff Dough). Now we’re making Puff Pastry. It might be one of my favorite sections.  

Mille-Feuilles (Napoleon)
We used red hot skewers to burn the lines in the powdered sugar.
It tasted like toasted marshmallows. <3
Tarte Feuilletee (Fruit Strip or Bar Tart)
Bande De Tarte aux Fruits (Fresh Fruit Strip)
They are so pretty, and much easier than they look.
Creme Peris-Brest

One of the best things ever created! Cream Puff Dough filled with homemade
ice-cream, and fudge sauce. Yum! I devoured all three.