Sunday, August 7, 2011

Puff Pastry...A Little Piece of Heaven On Earth

 So many things have happened since I wrote last. I survived my first two tests. Ya! Tarts and Pâte á Choux (Cream Puff Dough). Now we’re making Puff Pastry. It might be one of my favorite sections.  

Mille-Feuilles (Napoleon)
We used red hot skewers to burn the lines in the powdered sugar.
It tasted like toasted marshmallows. <3
Tarte Feuilletee (Fruit Strip or Bar Tart)
Bande De Tarte aux Fruits (Fresh Fruit Strip)
They are so pretty, and much easier than they look.
Creme Peris-Brest

One of the best things ever created! Cream Puff Dough filled with homemade
ice-cream, and fudge sauce. Yum! I devoured all three.




  1. It all looks great to me, and just think I won’t even have to pay for it.

  2. OMG, your stuff looks beautiful!!!
    So glad you are doing well and having a good time. I just wish I was there with you, lol!
